  1. Release Notes
    1. Release Notes - 2.1.1Latest
    1. Release Notes - 2.1.0
    1. Release Notes - 2.0.2
    1. Release Notes - 2.0.1
    1. Release Notes - 2.0.0
  1. Introduction
    1. Introduction
    1. Features
    1. Architecture
    1. Advantages
    1. Glossary
  1. Installation
    1. Introduction
      1. Intro
      2. Port Requirements
      3. Kubernetes Cluster Configuration
    1. Install on Linux
      1. All-in-One Installation
      2. Multi-Node Installation
      3. High Availability Configuration
      4. Air Gapped Installation
      5. StorageClass Configuration
      6. Enable All Components
    1. Install on Kubernetes
      1. Prerequisites
      2. Install on K8s
      3. Air Gapped Installation
      4. Install on GKE
    1. Pluggable Components
      1. Pluggable Components
      2. Enable Application Store
      3. Enable DevOps System
      4. Enable Logging System
      5. Enable Service Mesh
      6. Enable Alerting and Notification
      7. Enable Metrics-server for HPA
      8. Verify Components Installation
    1. Upgrade
      1. Overview
      2. All-in-One
      3. Multi-node
    1. Third-Party Tools
      1. Configure Harbor
      2. Access Built-in SonarQube and Jenkins
      3. Enable built-in Grafana Installation
      4. Load Balancer plugin in Bare Metal - Porter
    1. Authentication Integration
      1. Configure LDAP/AD
    1. Cluster Operations
      1. Add or Cordon Nodes
      2. High Risk Operations
      3. Uninstall KubeSphere
  1. Quick Start
    1. 1. Getting Started with Multi-tenancy
    1. 2. Expose your App Using Ingress
    1. 3. Compose and Deploy Wordpress to K8s
    1. 4. Deploy Grafana Using App Template
    1. 5. Job to Compute π to 2000 Places
    1. 6. Create Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
    1. 7. S2I: Publish your App without Dockerfile
    1. 8. B2I: Publish Artifacts to Kubernete
    1. 9. CI/CD based on Spring Boot Project
    1. 10. Jenkinsfile-free Pipeline with Graphical Editing Panel
    1. 11. Canary Release of Bookinfo App
    1. 12. Canary Release based on Ingress-Nginx
    1. 13. Application Store
  1. DevOps
    1. Pipeline
    1. Create SonarQube Token
    1. Credentials
    1. Set CI Node for Dependency Cache
    1. Set Email Server for KubeSphere Pipeline
  1. User Guide
    1. Configration Center
      1. Secrets
      2. ConfigMap
      3. Configure Image Registry
  1. Logging
    1. Log Query
  1. Developer Guide
    1. Introduction to S2I
    1. Custom S2I Template
  1. API Documentation
    1. API Documentation
    1. How to Access KubeSphere API
  1. Troubleshooting
    1. Troubleshooting Guide for Installation
  1. FAQ
    1. Telemetry
KubeSphere®️ 2020 All Rights Reserved.

Common Configurations


This tutorial explains how to customize KubeSphere configurations in conf/common.yaml. You can reference the following section to understand each parameter.

######################### Kubernetes #########################
# The default k8s version will be installed
kube_version: v1.16.7  

# The default etcd version will be installed
etcd_version: v3.2.18  

# Configure a cron job to backup etcd data, which is running on etcd machines.
# Period of running backup etcd job, the unit is minutes.
# The default value 30 means backup etcd every 30 minutes.
etcd_backup_period: 30

# How many backup replicas to keep.
# The default value5 means to keep latest 5 backups, older ones will be deleted by order.
keep_backup_number: 5

# The location to store etcd backups files on etcd machines.
etcd_backup_dir: "/var/backups/kube_etcd"

# Add other registry. (For users who need to accelerate image download)
  - https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn
  - https://registry.docker-cn.com
  - https://mirror.aliyuncs.com

# Kubernetes network plugin, Calico will be installed by default. Note that Calico and flannel are recommended, which are tested and verified by KubeSphere.
kube_network_plugin: calico

# A valid CIDR range for Kubernetes services,
# 1. should not overlap with node subnet
# 2. should not overlap with Kubernetes pod subnet

# A valid CIDR range for Kubernetes pod subnet,
# 1. should not overlap with node subnet
# 2. should not overlap with Kubernetes services subnet

# Kube-proxy proxyMode configuration, either ipvs, or iptables
kube_proxy_mode: ipvs

# Maximum pods allowed to run on every node.
kubelet_max_pods: 110

# Enable nodelocal dns cache, see https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kubespray/blob/master/docs/dns-stack.md#nodelocal-dns-cache for further information
enable_nodelocaldns: true

# Highly Available loadbalancer example config
# apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name: "lb.kubesphere.local"  # Loadbalancer domain name
# loadbalancer_apiserver:  # Loadbalancer apiserver configuration, please uncomment this line when you prepare HA install
#   address:  # Loadbalancer apiserver IP address
#   port: 6443             # apiserver port

######################### KubeSphere #########################

# Version of KubeSphere
ks_version: v2.1.0  

# KubeSphere console port, range 30000-32767,
# but 30180/30280/30380 are reserved for internal service
console_port: 30880 # KubeSphere console nodeport

mysql_volume_size: 20Gi # MySQL PVC size
minio_volume_size: 20Gi # Minio PVC size
etcd_volume_size: 20Gi  # etcd PVC size
openldap_volume_size: 2Gi # openldap PVC size
redis_volume_size: 2Gi # Redis PVC size

# Monitoring
prometheus_replica: 2 #	Prometheus replicas with 2 by default which are responsible for monitoring different segments of data source and provide high availability as well.
prometheus_memory_request: 400Mi # Prometheus request memory
prometheus_volume_size: 20Gi # 	Prometheus PVC size
grafana_enabled: true # enable grafana or not

## Container Engine Acceleration
## Use nvidia gpu acceleration in containers
# nvidia_accelerator_enabled: true # enable Nvidia GPU accelerator or not. It supports hybrid node with GPU and CPU installed.
# nvidia_gpu_nodes: # The GPU nodes specified in hosts.ini. FOr now we only support Ubuntu 16.04
#   - kube-gpu-001  # The host name of the GPU node specified in hosts.ini

How to Configure a GPU Node

You may want to use GPU nodes for special purpose such as machine learning. Let's say you have a GPU node called node2 in hosts.ini, then in the file common.yaml specify the following configuration. Please be aware the - node2 has two spaces indent.

 nvidia_accelerator_enabled: true
   - node2

Note: The GPU node now only supports Ubuntu 16.04.