  1. Release Notes
    1. Release Notes - 2.1.1Latest
    1. Release Notes - 2.1.0
    1. Release Notes - 2.0.2
    1. Release Notes - 2.0.1
    1. Release Notes - 2.0.0
  1. Introduction
    1. Introduction
    1. Features
    1. Architecture
    1. Advantages
    1. Glossary
  1. Installation
    1. Introduction
      1. Intro
      2. Port Requirements
      3. Kubernetes Cluster Configuration
    1. Install on Linux
      1. All-in-One Installation
      2. Multi-Node Installation
      3. High Availability Configuration
      4. Air Gapped Installation
      5. StorageClass Configuration
      6. Enable All Components
    1. Install on Kubernetes
      1. Prerequisites
      2. Install on K8s
      3. Air Gapped Installation
      4. Install on GKE
    1. Pluggable Components
      1. Pluggable Components
      2. Enable Application Store
      3. Enable DevOps System
      4. Enable Logging System
      5. Enable Service Mesh
      6. Enable Alerting and Notification
      7. Enable Metrics-server for HPA
      8. Verify Components Installation
    1. Upgrade
      1. Overview
      2. All-in-One
      3. Multi-node
    1. Third-Party Tools
      1. Configure Harbor
      2. Access Built-in SonarQube and Jenkins
      3. Enable built-in Grafana Installation
      4. Load Balancer plugin in Bare Metal - Porter
    1. Authentication Integration
      1. Configure LDAP/AD
    1. Cluster Operations
      1. Add or Cordon Nodes
      2. High Risk Operations
      3. Uninstall KubeSphere
  1. Quick Start
    1. 1. Getting Started with Multi-tenancy
    1. 2. Expose your App Using Ingress
    1. 3. Compose and Deploy Wordpress to K8s
    1. 4. Deploy Grafana Using App Template
    1. 5. Job to Compute π to 2000 Places
    1. 6. Create Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
    1. 7. S2I: Publish your App without Dockerfile
    1. 8. B2I: Publish Artifacts to Kubernete
    1. 9. CI/CD based on Spring Boot Project
    1. 10. Jenkinsfile-free Pipeline with Graphical Editing Panel
    1. 11. Canary Release of Bookinfo App
    1. 12. Canary Release based on Ingress-Nginx
    1. 13. Application Store
  1. DevOps
    1. Pipeline
    1. Create SonarQube Token
    1. Credentials
    1. Set CI Node for Dependency Cache
    1. Set Email Server for KubeSphere Pipeline
  1. User Guide
    1. Configration Center
      1. Secrets
      2. ConfigMap
      3. Configure Image Registry
  1. Logging
    1. Log Query
  1. Developer Guide
    1. Introduction to S2I
    1. Custom S2I Template
  1. API Documentation
    1. API Documentation
    1. How to Access KubeSphere API
  1. Troubleshooting
    1. Troubleshooting Guide for Installation
  1. FAQ
    1. Telemetry
KubeSphere®️ 2020 All Rights Reserved.

Credentials Management


A DevOps project user can configure credentials for Jenkins Pipeline. Once a user (e.g. Owner and Maintainer) adds/configures these credentials in DevOps project, the credentials can be used by DevOps projects to interact with these third-party applications.

Currently, it can store the following 4 types of credentials in DevOps project:

  • Account credentials: Username and password - which could be handled as separate components or as a colon separated string in the format username:password, such as GitHub, GitLab, Docker Hub, etc.
  • SSH: Username with private key - an SSH public/private key pair.
  • Secret text: Secret content in a file.
  • kubeconfig: It's used to configure cross-cluster authentication, the page will automatically generate the contents of the kubeconfig file of the current Kubernetes cluster.

Create Credential

Sign in with project-regular, choose Credentials and click Create Credential.

Create Credential

Create Credential for DockerHub

  1. Click Create, fill in the basic information in the pop-up window.

  2. Credential ID: it will be used in pipeline, name it dockerhub-id

  3. Type: Choose Account Credentials

  4. Username: Your DockerHub account

  5. Token/password: Your DockerHub password

  6. Description: A brief introduction to this credential.

Click OK when you've done.

Create Credential for DockerHub

  1. Then you can see this credential has been created successully.

Create Credential for GitHub

Similarly, we create a GitHub Credential and name it github-id, choose Account Credentials, others are the same with above.

Note: If there is any special characters includes @ $, it may cause unrecognizable error. You need to encode your account or password through third-party website, e.g. urlencoder, please convert it and paste to KubeSphere console.

Create KubeConfig Credential

The same as above, create a Credential, name it demo-kubeconfig, choose kubeconfig, click Create to complete creation.

Note: A file that is used to configure access to clusters is called a kubeconfig file. Thus we create the kubeconfig credential to access the current Kubernetes cluster, which will be used in pipeline. You don't need to change the file since KubeSphere will automatically load the kubeconfig of the current Kubernetes cluster. On the contrary, you may need to change kubeconfig in KubeSphere when access other cluster.

At this point, you can return to the quick start guides to complete the rest steps.

Using the Credential

  1. When you creating a Pipeline, click on Code Repository.

  1. Choose Git, then select gitlab-id that we created at the last step. Thus you can use it directly.

Manage the Credential

Enter this credential's details page, then you can edit its information or delete it.

Manage the Credential